Atomic Mass Of Zinc

Zinc group element, any of the four chemical elements that constitute Group 12 (IIb) of the periodic table—namely, zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and copernicium (Cn). They have properties in common, but they also differ in significant respects. Zinc, cadmium, and mercury are metals with a. Name: Zinc Symbol: Zn Atomic Number: 30 Atomic Mass: 65.39 amu Melting Point: 419.58 °C (692.73 K, 787.24396 °F) Boiling Point: 907.0 °C (1180.15 K, 1664.6 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 30 Number of Neutrons: 35 Classification: Transition Metal Crystal Structure: Hexagonal Density @ 293 K: 7.133 g/cm 3 Color: bluish Atomic Structure.

We elaborate the uses of Zinc and atomic properties with characteristics. Zinc is a chemical element with a pale blue-gray appearance with atomic number 30. Its symbol is Zn and it belongs to the group of transition metals and its habitual state in nature is solid. Zinc is located at position 30 on the periodic table.

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On this page you can discover the chemical properties of zinc and information about zinc and other elements on the periodic table such as cadmium, copper, gallium or scandium. You will also learn what zinc is for and learn about its uses through its properties associated with zinc such as its atomic number or the usual state in which zinc can be found.

You can see qualities of zinc such as its melting and boiling point, its magnetic properties or what its chemical symbol is. In addition, here you will find information about its atomic properties such as the distribution of electrons in zinc atoms and other properties.

For some elements some of this information is unknown. In these cases we show the properties attributed to them.

Properties of zinc

Transition metals, also called transition elements is the group to which zinc belongs. In this group of chemical elements to which zinc belongs, there are those located in the central part of the periodic table, specifically in block d. Among the characteristics that zinc has, as well as those of the rest of the transition metals, is that of including in its electronic configuration the d orbital, partially full of electrons. Properties of this type of metal, among which zinc is found, are its high hardness, having high boiling and melting points and being good conductors of electricity and heat.

The state of zinc in its natural form is solid (diamagnetic). Zinc is a pale grayish blue chemical element and belongs to the group of transition metals. The atomic number of zinc is 30. The chemical symbol for zinc is Zn. The melting point of zinc is 692.68 degrees Kelvin or 420.53 degrees Celsius or degrees Celsius. The boiling point of zinc is 1180 degrees Kelvin or 907.85 degrees Celsius or degrees Celsius.

Zinc is a mineral that our body needs for its proper functioning and can be found in food. Through the following link, you can find a list of foods with zinc .

Uses of zinc

Zinc is a bluish-white to silver-gray colored metal. It is hard and brittle at most temperatures, but can be made malleable by heating to between 100 and 150 degrees Celsius. It is normally found with other base metals, such as copper and lead . The largest zinc deposits are found in Australia, Asia and the United States. Zinc is an essential mineral and is important to many aspects of human health. If you have ever wondered what zinc is for , here is a list of its possible uses:

  • Zinc is mainly used as an anti-corrosive agent in metal products. It is used in the galvanizing process. Galvanization is the coating of other metals with iron or steel. About half of the zinc used worldwide is for galvanizing. Galvanization is used to make wire mesh, railings, suspension bridges, lamp posts, metal roofs, heat exchangers, and car bodies.
  • Zinc is used as an anode in other metals, particularly metals used in electrical work or contact water of sea.
  • It is also used for the anode in batteries. In zinc and carbon batteries, a sheet of this metal is used.
  • Zinc is alloyed with copper to create brass. Brass is used for a wide variety of products such as pipes, instruments, communications equipment, tools, and water valves.
  • It is also used in alloys with elements such as nickel, aluminum (for welding) and bronze.
  • In some countries, such as the United States, zinc is used to make coins.
  • Zinc is used with copper, magnesium, and aluminum in the automotive, electrical, and tool making industries.
  • Zinc oxide is used as a white pigment in copier paints and inks.
  • Zinc oxide is also used in rubber to protect it from UV radiation.
  • Zinc chloride is used in wood as a fire retardant and to preserve it.
  • Zinc sulfide is used as a luminescent paint for the surfaces of watches, X-rays, television screens, and glow-in-the-dark paints.
  • It is also used in agricultural fungicides.
  • Zinc is also used in dietary supplements. It is of great help in wound healing, reducing the duration and severity of colds and has antimicrobial properties that help alleviate the symptoms of gastroenteritis.
  • It is also used in sunscreens. It is used in toothpastes to prevent bad breath and in shampoos to stop dandruff.

Atomic properties of zinc

The atomic mass of an element is determined by the total mass of neutrons and protons that can be found in a single atom belonging to this element. As for the position where to find zinc within the periodic table of the elements, zinc is in group 12 and period 4. Zinc has an atomic mass of 65,409 u.

The electronic configuration of zinc is [Ar] 3d104s2. The electronic configuration of the elements, determines the form in which the electrons are structured in the atoms of an element. The average radius of zinc is 135 pm, its atomic radius or Bohr radius is 142 pm, its covalent radius is 131 pm, and its Van der Waals radius is 139 pm. Zinc has a total of 30 electrons whose distribution is as follows: In the first layer it has 2 electrons, in the second it has 8 electrons, in its third layer it has 18 electrons and in the fourth one, 2 electrons.

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Characteristics of zinc

Below you can see a table showing the main characteristics of zinc.

Chemical symbolZn
Atomic number30
Appearancepale grayish blue
Density7140 kg / m3
Atomic mass65,409 u
Average radius135 pm
Atomic radio142
Covalent radius131 pm
Van der Waals radio139 pm
Electronic configuration[Ar] 3d104s2
Electrons per layer2, 8, 18, 2
Oxidation statestwo
Crystal structurehexagonal
Melting point692.68 K
Boiling point1180 K
Heat of fusion7,322 kJ / mol
Vapor pressure192.2 Pa to 692.73 K
Specific heat390 J / (Kkg)
Electric conductivity16.6 · 106S / m
Thermal conductivity116 W / (Km)

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Chemical properties of zinc - Health effects of zinc - Environmental effects of zinc


Atomic mass

65.37 g.mol -1

Electronegativity according to Pauling



7.11 at 20°C

Melting point

420 °C

Boiling point

907 °C

Vanderwaals radius

0.138 nm

Ionic radius

0.074 nm (+2)



Electronic shell

[ Ar ] 3d10 4s2

Energy of first ionisation

904.5 kJ.mol -1

Energy of second ionisation

1723 kJ.mol -1

Standard potential

- 0.763 V


Andreas Marggraf in 1746


Zinc is a lustrous bluish-white metal. It is found in group IIb of the periodic table. It is brittle and crystalline at ordinary temperatures, but it becomes ductile and malleable when heated between 110°C and 150°C. It is a fairly reactive metal that will combine with oxygen and other non-metals, and will react with dilute acids to release hydrogen.


It is used principally for galvanizing iron, more than 50% of metallic zinc goes into galvanizing steel, but is also important in the preparation of certain alloys. It is used for the negative plates in some electric batteries and for roofing and gutters in building construction.
Zinc is the primary metal used in making American pennies, is used in die casting in the automobile industry. Zinc oxide is used as a white pigment in watercolours or paints, and as an activator in the rubber industry. As a pigment zinc is used in plastics, cosmetics, photocopier paper, wallpaper, printing inks etc, while in rubber production its role is to act as a catalyst during manufacture and as a heat disperser in the final product. Zinc metal is included in most single tablet, it is believed to possess anti-oxidant properties, which protect against premature aging of the skin and muscles of the body.

Zinc in the environment

Zinc is a very common substance that occurs naturally. Many foodstuffs contain certain concentrations of zinc. Drinking water also contains certain amounts of zinc, which may be higher when it is stored in metal tanks. Industrial sources or toxic waste sites may cause the zinc amounts in drinking water to reach levels that can cause health problems.

Zinc occurs naturally in air, water and soil, but zinc concentrations are rising unnaturally, due to addition of zinc through human activities. Most zinc is added during industrial activities, such as mining, coal and waste combustion and steel processing. Some soils are heavily contaminated with zinc, and these are to be found in areas where zinc has to be mined or refined, or were sewage sludge from industrial areas has been used as fertilizer.

Zinc is the 23rd most abundant element in the Earth's crust. The dominant ore is zinc blende, also known as sphalerite. Other important zinc ores are wurzite, smithsonite and hemimorphite. The main zinc mining areas are Canada, Russia, Australia, USA and Peru'. World production exceeds 7 million tonnes a year and commercially exploitable reserves exceed 100 million tonnes. More than 30% of the world's need for zinc is met by recycling.

Health effects of zinc

Zinc is a trace element that is essential for human health. When people absorb too little zinc they can experience a loss of appetite, decreased sense of taste and smell, slow wound healing and skin sores. Zinc-shortages can even cause birth defects.
Although humans can handle proportionally large concentrations of zinc, too much zinc can still cause eminent health problems, such as stomach cramps, skin irritations, vomiting, nausea and anaemia. Very high levels of zinc can damage the pancreas and disturb the protein metabolism, and cause arteriosclerosis. Extensive exposure to zinc chloride can cause respiratory disorders.
In the work place environment zinc contagion can lead to a flu-like condition known as metal fever. This condition will pass after two days and is caused by over sensitivity.
Zinc can be a danger to unborn and newborn children. When their mothers have absorbed large concentrations of zinc the children may be exposed to it through blood or milk of their mothers.

Effects of zinc on the Environment

The world's zinc production is still rising. This basically means that more and more zinc ends up in the environment.

Water is polluted with zinc, due to the presence of large quantities of zinc in the wastewater of industrial plants. This wastewater is not purified satisfactory. One of the consequences is that rivers are depositing zinc-polluted sludge on their banks. Zinc may also increase the acidity of waters.
Some fish can accumulate zinc in their bodies, when they live in zinc-contaminated waterways. When zinc enters the bodies of these fish it is able to bio magnify up the food chain.
Large quantities of zinc can be found in soils. When the soils of farmland are polluted with zinc, animals will absorb concentrations that are damaging to their health. Water-soluble zinc that is located in soils can contaminate groundwater.

Zinc cannot only be a threat to cattle, but also to plant species. Plants often have a zinc uptake that their systems cannot handle, due to the accumulation of zinc in soils.
On zinc-rich soils only a limited number of plants has a chance of survival. That is why there is not much plant diversity near zinc-disposing factories. Due to the effects upon plants zinc is a serious threat to the productions of farmlands. Despite of this zinc-containing manures are still applied.
Finally, zinc can interrupt the activity in soils, as it negatively influences the activity of microrganisms and earthworms. The breakdown of organic matter may seriously slow down because of this.

Read more on zinc in water

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