
I would like to use .stl files (created in OpenSCAD) in other projects, however while I can import I can't get the .stl object to compile and render in GCAL. I'm using the latest Windows build (OpenSCAD-2011.11.01-Installer.exe) and to read the .stl file I use the import command:
import ('foo.stl', convexity = 4);
I can then preview this (with an F5 compile) and see the object. With the same command when I try the F6 'compile and render in GCAL' option I receive the following warning message:
Parsing design (AST generation)...
Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)...
Compilation finished.
Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL...
PolySets in cache: 3
Polygons in cache: 41406
CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 5
Vertices in cache: 24
Total rendering time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
WARNING: No top level geometry to render
I guess there is some additional syntax needed, but I can't figure out what it should be. All help appreciated!
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Quadcopters are fantastical things, and now come in a huge variety of flavours, from lithe featherweight racers to industrial-grade filming rigs worth tens of thousands of dollars. The Beatle-1 from [masterdezign] comes in at the smaller scale, and its body was created entirely in code.

OpenSCAD after starting OpenSCAD after pasting the example code and pressing F5 Compiling and rendering our first model The cuboid can now be compiled and rendered by pressing F6 while the openSCAD editor has focus. See also Positioning an object Open one of the many examples that come with OpenSCAD (File, Example s, e.g. OpenSCAD seems to generate perfect.stl files everytime! Al's book along with the Wikipedia manual got me producing 3d printer ready files after months of struggling with Sketchup, blender and FreeCad. I fabbed my first successful print at Shapeways and can't wait until my printer arrives.


To create the Beatle-1, [masterdezign] used OpenSCAD, a 3D modelling program that uses code rather than visual tools for producing geometry. Thus, with a series of Boolean operations, extrusions and rotations, a basic lightweight quadcopter frame is created in a handful of lines of text. Then, it’s just a simple job of 3D printing the parts, wiring up four Olimex F1607 motors and hooking up a flight controller and the little drone is ready for takeoff.

Openscad Cylinder

The Beatle-1 serves as not only a fun flying toy but also a great example of applying OpenSCAD modelling techniques to real-world applications. Parts are available on Thingiverse for those wishing to roll their own. 3D printed drone frames are popular, and we’ve seen a few around these parts before. Video after the break.